Benefits of Schools in Midtown Toronto

Benefits of Schools in Midtown Toronto

Private Schools in Midtown Toronto


There are many different types of private schools: prep schools, single gender schools, boarding schools, arts-based schools, laboratory schools, and more. The best of these share a mission -- to instill in their students the values that will help them to succeed in life, such as:

  • Respect for Others. The best private schools create an atmosphere where respect is paramount. Students who learn to respect people with different opinions, abilities, and cultures will go forward in life with open minds and open hearts. They are the community-builders of the future.
  • Work Ethic. A strong work ethic is one of the best predictors of future success. Good private schools promote the development of a work ethic that will stand their students in good stead.
  • Creativity. Creativity is required in every aspect of life, from business to law; from teaching to government. Creativity teaches us to think outside the box and problem-solve.
  • Risk-Taking. Encouraging children to take constructive risks allows them to discover reserves of courage and independence. Success builds self-esteem and confidence; learning to dealing with failure gracefully is also a good life lesson.
  • Love of Learning. Engaging and enthusiastic teachers help to instill a spirit of inquisitiveness and a love for knowledge in their students. This creates lifelong learners who keep growing, decade after decade.
  • Healthy Lifestyle. Good private schools encourage students to achieve balance in their lives. It's expected that students will participate in sports and extracurricular activities and also meet with academic success, by planning properly and exercising discipline. 
  • Self-Motivation. A good private school encourages its students to be "self-starters.” Teachers allow students to participate fully in their own education.
  • Integrity. Honesty in one's dealings with others as well as honesty with regard to one's own intentions and actions is required at the best schools. 
  • Service. One of the greatest measures of a school is whether it encourages its students to be of service to the greater community. 
  • Excellence. The best Toronto private schools motivate students to do their best academically, on the playing field, and as a member of the school community.


Advantages of Private and Prep Schools


Whether your child is excelling academically or struggling, a good private school can be of great benefit to her. Smaller class sizes, advantageous teacher-student ratios, in-house tutoring services, supervised homework clubs, and online postings detailing homework assignments and tests help students to organize their workload and plan ahead. Study skills courses add strategies that can help students to maximize their potential.


The close-knit community of a private school can help to reinforce shared values. Parents are often alumnae of the school, and proudly carry on traditions that have been established in earlier times. Parent involvement with volunteer activities such as fundraising, and the bonds between families that attend the school provide children with a community that knows them and cares about them – the "village” that it takes to raise a child, in the words of an old Nigerian adage.


 Investing in a good private school can be one of the greatest gifts you'll ever give your child. Find out what fine Toronto private schools have to offer!

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Toronto Prep School
250 Davisville Avenue, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M4S 1H2
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Subway To Davisville Station, 11 Bayview or 28 Davisville Bus to Mt. Pleasant.
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